From: Christopher Mahanna <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 3:30 PM
To: Christopher Mahanna <>; Scot Fuller <>; Angela Smith <>; Tracy Ferguson <>
Subject: Calling all Commissioners !!!
Good afternoon Commissioners!
I am the Assist. Council Commissioner for Training and am looking for your assistance.
We have a very large number of our Commissioner Corp not trained for their Commissioner position(s).
To get our Commissioner Corp updated on what is going on in Council, updates on Recharter and to complete Commissioner position specific training we are putting on a Commissioner Conference on Aug 19, 2023.

Please take a moment to register at 

There will be a special "Trained" patch available to all that complete the position specific training OR if you are already fully trained and stay for the remainder of the Conference.

Yours In Scouting,
Christopher Mahanna
  Skipper - Sea Scout Ship 1910
  Wood Badge Vice Chair
  NYLT Course Director - Winter 2023
  Assist. Council Commissioner for Training & Technology
  Wood Badge Course Director - S2-662-22-4

A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances. - Robert Baden-Powell