From Commissioners of the Boy Scouts of America:

While being a commissioner yields no better reward than to watch the program work, preparing our youth to become good young adults, we also have an important awards program to help train, motivate, and retain our commissioners.
We have some changes to our commissioner awards:
The awards were updated to reflect the idea that commissioners should work collaboratively with unit leaders to deliver a high quality program that attracts and retains youth and leaders. The culture statement Be the Heart • Build Relationships • Change Lives  is integrated into the requirements, recognizing that relationship building is fundamental to unit success.
Commissioner Arrowhead – integrated assistant positions into the same pdf (DC/ADC, CC/ACC, etc.) since the requirements and expectations were similar.  Once the award is earned at any level, it can continue to be worn on the commissioner’s uniform.
Commissioner’s Key – has been simplified to 1 form regardless of position.
Commissioner Award of Excellence – this is the most significant change. This award is accessible to more commissioners, encourages an ongoing relationship with the units, requires developing a Unit Service Plan with the unit and relies on commissioner’s efforts with the unit rather than JTE scores.

