Lone Star District News

Reminder, no Roundtable for the Month of July.

See you August 11th for Roundtable and Ice Cream Social!

​New List Server

​I'm sending out the newsletter a little bit differently this month.  The folks who have been around awhile may remember the District used to have a group on Yahoo groups where anyone​ who was a member of the group could send an e-mail out to all the Scouters on the list.  When Yahoo Groups got discontinued,  we lost that ability, and I know that I am far from the only person who needs to get information out to everyone in the district.  Facebook is great, but e-mail remains the most universally used. Additionally, I found that many people (including myself) would have the Newsletter go straight to spam/junk - this looks like it may work better so far. 

Usage is simple, to send an e-mail to the group send an e-mail to:  lonestar@lists.lonestar-lhc.org

If you are getting this e-mail, you were part of the district e-mail list and are now a subscribed member of the list server.  Currently, only messages with attachments are moderated (this is actually a bug that I don't have fixed yet).  

If you don't want to be on the district e-mail list anymore you can simply send an e-mail to:   lonestar-leave@lists.lonestar-lhc.org

​Additionally, you can visit https://lists.lonestar-lhc.org and setup an account to manage settings and view an archive of messages sent to the list.  New folks that are not on the list can join from there too.

Popcorn Kickoff

Join us on Saturday, July 30th for the 2022 Popcorn Kickoff. This event is designed to help units prepare for a successful fundraiser. Every unit that is selling popcorn should send a representative to this training. Participants will leave with great information and helpful resources. Register today for the Kickoff and don't forget to visit www.trails-end.com to sign-up your Scouting unit for the sale. 

Registration is here:


Happy Independence day!

I wish everyone a happy and safe July 4th holiday.  We are in the midst of Summer Camp season, and I know that we have units at Summer Camp right now, and still have some in the coming weeks.  I wish you all the best and safe travels.

Yours in Scouting,

Tom Kisner

District Commissioner